Unlike before, today doctors use cord blood stems cells are used to treat different types of diseases such as cancers, genetic disorders, and blood disorders. Generally, stem cells are injected into the bloodstream to help heal and repair damaged cells and tissues. Once successful, the cells are able to create a new immune system.
Who can undergone cord blood transplant?
Many people wonder who is eligible for cord blood transplant, is it the baby or the family members. Both the parent and the baby can use the cord blood cells, but this depends entirely on the type of medical condition one is suffering. Furthermore, it is up to the doctor to determine if the transplant is necessary or not.
Most diseases that are treated by the cells are genetic, and for most of these diseases, one needs a donor in order to get treatment. In fact, studies show that treatment with umbilical blood from a family member is effective than treatment from non-family member. The treatment with cord blood cells has improved the lives of more than 350 families all over the world.
Regenerative medicine
This is the therapeutic potential of the umbilical cord blood to continue to grow. In the last few years, umbilical cord blood use has continued to expand into one specific areas referred to as Regenerative Medicine, which is also known as Regen Med. Regenerative Medicine is a science that uses living cells to potentially facilitate or regenerate the repair of cells that have been destroyed by injury, genetics, diseases, or simply aging.
Umbilical cord blood banking
When it comes to umbilical cord blood banking, your child can have access to the cells that are the exact genetic match. Certain cancers such as neuroblastoma are simply antilogous treatments. At the moment, there are regenerative medicine clinical tests that use the infant’s own stem cells for conditions such as cerebral palsy and autism.