Have you ever donated blood for any organizations?
Well many as tried it and also has saved a valuable life. Congratulation!!! Your few drops of blood may have saved a life.
Besides this donation of blood there is another kind of blood which can be donated. But that is not possible for every one of us to donate.
Umbilical cord blood donation
This new blood donation is only being taken from the umbilical cord of new born babies. The umbilical cords of the babies are discarded. But valuable medical medication can be taken from this part of this discarded part of the baby’s body. The umbilical cord blood is full of stem cells which are building blocks of the body.
Doctors have found its usefulness in the medical science. It is much helpful in fields of transplantation and organ formation. As the stem cell is the building blocks so in special conditions, it can grow into a full organ. So isn’t it a good way to transplant the organ formed in the same way as in the body?
How is this useful for medical science?
So researches have shown its new invention with wonderful results. Diseases like blood cancer, spinal cord problems, brain damage or tumors can easily be treated now.
Hence here lies the importance of the umbilical cord blood banking.
Now how that can be done? This donation requires umbilical cord so only new mothers can donate these stem cells. Hence those who are expecting their babies can contact with the various organizations handling such banking. Contact with them and know about the necessary details. Have a discussion with your physician and know about the charge also.
They would collect the sample while the baby is being delivered. Thus you don’t have to take any stress about its preservation.
Well let’s change the world in this new view point.